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Grief and Loss

Losing a pet can be extremely upsetting, sometimes even more so than you might expect.  We have such a close bond with our pets, so letting go is never easy and is often filled with pain, sadness, depression—even anger. Our team understands these feelings, as many of us have also lost pets of our own. The emotions we go through are real.  Whether your loss is recent or you’ve been grieving for some time, we are here to help you through this sad transition.  Please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Family Pet Services in Saskatoon, SK provides a Pet Loss Support Group as well as Pet Loss Telephone Support:

Facebook     Saskatoon Pet Loss 

OVC Pet Trust; Coping with the Loss of a Pet – A Support Guide for Pet Owners  a free downloadable PDF guide for dealing with the loss of a pet


University of Guelph OVC Pet Trust  Resources for Pet Loss support

Regina Humane Society Pet Loss Support:

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