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Making the Decision for End of Life Care

Being an advocate for your beloved pet – you may be faced with some hard choices. Coming to see a veterinarian to discuss if it is time to assess your pet’s quality of life and decide if it is time to ease their pain is never easy.

In most instances you can make an appointment where the veterinarian will do an exam to confirm the procedure is necessary. They will discuss all options with you and answer any questions you have.

In cases with palliative patients that have had ongoing care with our doctor, an exam may not be needed. Just make sure you feel you have had the opportunity to have all your questions answered and you feel ready to make the decision.

Call us anytime to discuss what is right for you and your pet.

Quality of Life Resources


Pet Quality of Life Calendar

A Monthly Snapshot to help track your pet’s overall experience


Quality of Life Questionnaire

A Pet’s Quality of Life Scale


Grey Muzzle App

A free download App for phones:  Helps you see the month at a glance (with a summary pie chart) to help you easily visualize your pet’s good and bad days.  Simple to use and free.


AAHA: How to Tell if Your Dog is in Pain


AAHA: How to Tell if your Cat is in Pain

Things to Decide Prior